Our Sugar Sprinkle Life

English Audio Version

Oh, how we love sugar sprinkles!

Visit a bakery, and the best cupcakes glitter with sugar sprinkles all over the puffy icing. Our mouths water with anticipation.

Chocolate cakes? Covered with chocolate sprinkles—sugar goodness—with a touch of a crunch when we take a bite. It tastes heavenly.

Here’s the fun in sprinkles: any size, any shape, any flavor. Color? You choose. Raspberry, vanilla, or just plain sweet. They are pure sugar delight.

How can we make our life like that? How can we give people around us that sugar sprinkle taste every time they interact with us?

Proverbs 28:27 gives us a good start.

“Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse.”

Our sugar sprinkles are the good things we share with those who have less than we do.

We gain insight by focusing on the second half of this verse.

“He who hides his eyes . . .”

Here’s the truth we need to see: the sugar sprinkles that make our lives flavorful come in all sizes, shapes, and flavors.

What does it mean to give to the poor? Does that mean opening our wallet and letting the bills fly out until we are drained dry?

We must be on the lookout for creative ways that we can help others.

  • Invite someone out to lunch and cover their meal.
  • Offer to take an elderly neighbor’s car to have the oil changed and pick up the bill.
  • Buy a pack of bath tissue for a homeless shelter, and when you drop it off, ask what else they need.

See where this is headed? He who hides his eyes . . . We become the sugar sprinkles that make life more enjoyable when we notice the needs of others and write the checks that fill the need. Any size, any shape, any flavor.

When we live like Jesus, we look for ways to make people’s lives better.

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Code: FGO.G.06.20c.vp.esv

Excerpt of the Day

Where we are is not where we'll stay. God has greater works for us to do.

From Lifted Up for the Good Work,  Posted 05 May 2015