The Oldsters of us grew up learning from chalkboards. Write on them and wipe the words away … and scatter the remains of our thoughts on our hands and clothes. Just erasing the board didn’t ...

What do we mean when we say something is written in stone? Why don’t we say written in sand, instead … ah, right. It will be blown away by the wind or washed away by water. Written in wood … ...

Falling leaves and the remains of last week’s jack-o-lanterns remind us of the season. Thanksgiving is coming, and Christmas can’t be far behind. However, God wants us to be reminded of him, for ...

Some days we just need to feel loved. Let’s leap fully in with Psalm 1:1-3 in the ESV: “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor ...

Winter. In the northernmost parts of the world, snow blankets the land. It’s a season to hunker down and forget the outside world. Life narrows to me, thee, and those I can see. Missions? Nah, ...

It is that sparkling gem in the storefront window that draws us in. The lights are bright, and it glitters and flashes, catching our attention. We want that ring. Then we see the price. It is far ...

January. The new year. You determined that this time you would stick to your resolutions, and you’ve already let yourself down. Or let your spouse down, your children, maybe, and you’ve even ...

Let’s start by defining prologue. says: a separate introductory section of a literary or musical work In other words, something totally different from our main body of work that ...

When is enough enough? Some counselors (and pastors) say that only when we are content with what we have will we find inner peace, or that contentment that lets us relax and say to ourselves, “All ...

In a series of drug-awareness spots several years ago, one of the ads featured a whole egg, comparing it to our brain. Then the egg was dropped, revealing our brain on drugs, a shattered mess. What ...

The more God blesses us, the greater the opportunity for worries. We ask him for a better job, and in the blessing, we also receive greater responsibilities. We plead for a larger home for our ...

The build-up to Christmas is a phenomenal powerhouse. Shopping starts the day after Halloween. Thanksgiving? What’s that? No one spends money on Thanksgiving (and it disappears without a whimper ...

Cornucopia. What is it? We might know it as the horn of plenty. From its center flows a multitude of good things which never come to an end. So, that begs the question … what does this have to do ...