Jack the Ripper swept terror through London over a century ago. How did he get close to the victims that fell to his cunning? He came to them in the dark of the night. He was a wink of light, ...
A wonderful quote from one of America’s top inspirational authors showed up on the website BrainyQuote.com.
“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become ...
Cuba is a country in distress. In 2014, Fox News pegged entry level nursing salaries—a high-paying job in the United States—at $25 a month. Doctors, well-paid by Cuban standards, pull down over ...
In the midst of everyday living, sometimes it’s hard to stay focused on what’s really important. Our children need our time, but it’s the job that pays the bills. The yard needs to be mowed, ...
Under Texas law, anyone who enters a private home without express permission and who poses a dire threat to those inside loses all rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of ...
Read more: A Spiritual Texas
Jacob is a biblical icon, the grandson of the earliest foundation stone of three religions, and a patriarch of the Christian faith in his own right. God placed so much value on Jacob that he renamed ...
Read more: The Payback We Deserve
It is a parent’s duty to raise up a child in the way that he should go, so that he will not depart from it. However, it is a grandparent’s right to spoil the child and send the tyke home to Mom ...
Read more: A Grandparent’s Duty
America landed its first man on the moon in 1969 with the famous phrase, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for ...
Read more: Life’s Biggest Step
The fresh smell of newly turned earth is a sign that spring has come. The fields are plowed, and newly planted grain awaits the rains. Life is ready to spring from the barren soils of ...
Read more: Our VERDANT God
The lengthening days of spring are a sure sign that summer is on the way. Kids crowd the streets on their bicycles, boats come out of garages, and hedges are clipped to a tee.
Our brains crave ...
In April of 2013, a devastating storm hit the East Coast of the United States, bringing huge trees crashing to the ground. Mighty oaks that had stood for generations lay stilled, their limbs ...
Read more: Our FRESH God
Spring is a time when new life bursts from the ground. Trees that have been mere sticks blaze forth with green, and barren brown earth transforms into a carpet that shimmers with flowers.
How like ...