What slippery slope are you on?
What financial landslide is carrying you to devastation? The poorhouse, even?
How deep do the cracks in your relationship with your spouse run? Have they reached the ...
Ever opened an old container of oil to bake a cake?
Rancid oil is never good. It smells bad, it will stink up your kitchen, and to eat the cake?
Nah! Toss it in the trash!
We’re like that as ...
So, who are you?
Not, who did you used to be … who are you today?
God’s creation? A child of the King? A saint in the Kingdom of Christ?
If so, what’s that shadow at your feet? Why are you ...
You’re bummed.
You’ve loved and lost, and you can never feel anything again.
Your heart is empty, a chamberless void, a token spot in your chest where nothing good will ever reside ...
You’ve likely never heard of Ruthie Lindsay.
At age 17, her car was hit by an ambulance traveling 65 mph.
Her life went downhill from there. She spent her 20s mostly bedridden after a wire from ...
So, what’s the worst you’ve done?
It doesn’t matter … drugs, promiscuity, even betrayal.
What’s the thing you think separates you from man and God (or your spouse or friends or ???)?
You ...
A professor known for his creative teaching methods was illustrating the properties of matter.
He filled a small-mouth jar with rocks and asked if it was full. His students agreed that he could fit ...
All authority on this world comes from God.
If we have been blessed with children, we must treat them with respect. If we are elected to a public office, the law must be courted with the utmost of ...
Read more: The Withered Hand of God
How many branches can you carry?
That’s an important question if you live in certain areas of Africa. Women (yes, the ones relegated to this onerous chore) must search for wood to prepare their ...
Everyone has flaws, ones better covered up.
It may be our moodiness before our first cup of coffee. We growl at the coffee table if it gets in our way.
There’s nothing wrong with that if ...
Life is a chalkboard.
Okay, let’s restate that for the younger generation.
Life is a markerboard. We start out blank, and as we move through life, people write on our markerboard, then we write ...
A mirror is like a social media post.
We can make it show just what we want to see.
Are our arms too big? Turn to the side, and they suddenly seem slimmer.
Dark circles under our eyes from a ...
What can we change?
Our shirt. That’s an easy one. A fresh shirt and we smell better, feel crisper, and are more confident around others.
We should all change shirts from time to time.
How ...