Let’s start by defining prologue. Dictionary.com says: a separate introductory section of a literary or musical work In other words, something totally different from our main body of work that ...

Life can be a struggle. Bills can be hard to pay, the money often running out before the month is done. A lawsuit hits us out of the blue, and we can’t figure out where we went wrong. We try to ...

We recognize the title of this article. It comes from The Lord’s Prayer, though it’s a title we’ve given it, not one from the Bible. Yet, the words of the Master sum up much of the mission of ...

A prison is made of walls. Sometimes they are of steel and stone. Other times, they are of our own making. Financial. Emotional. Things that trap us and won’t let us free. We batter at the walls, ...

Party line has two meanings. The first is a political one. A political party has a stated agenda, a “party line,” or the canon beliefs they expect their adherents to follow. The second is an ...

Is success in your plans? Are you prepared for your prayers to be answered? Are you ready to step up to your God-infused future where you are delivered from lack? God gives us 2 Steps to Answered ...

We’ve heard it said, if not to us, then to someone else. “There’s your way, then there’s the right way.” What does that mean, anyway? Can it be as obvious as it sounds? Are we always ...

A handshake is how deals used to be done. Just a shake, and you knew you could trust the job to get done. Then came contracts, with fine print and conditions. They became the stuff of ...

Milestones are markers along our journey. Birth. Death. In between, we have the first day of school, graduation, our first love, and the birth of our children. Each marker is significant, ...

Sometimes we want to pedal tomorrow’s bicycle. We want to somehow reach into yesterday and get today’s problems solved before they happen. We want on the morning train even before the ...

What do yea and amen mean? We need to know that to get started. Let’s look at yea first. Merriam-Webster tells us it’s an expression of agreement, but more than that, it suggests there’s ...

Has your cell phone ever dropped a call? They do that, you know, drop calls. If you use your phone while on the road, you learn to recognize where you might lose the signal – and lose your ...

“Hey, God,” we sometimes cry. “Did you forget about us?” Our world begins to crumble around us, and we look up, thinking, We’re still here, you know. What happened to answering our ...
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