2 Truths and 2 Powerful Things from God

English Audio Version

We are not weak when we depend on God. 

We know power in the world comes in many forms. Here are some that come to mind:

The waves at the shore can pummel the beach, shifting the sands and eating the coastline.

A flood can wash away a house, leaving nothing but the foundation.

Or how about a tornado, where the winds rip through trees and buildings, twisting skyscrapers, and snapping telephone lines like toothpicks?

Then there’s the wrestler on the mat, the weightlifter holding hundreds of pounds over his head, or the logger in the woods, chopping trees without breaking a sweat.

None of those compare to the power we wield as sons and daughters of God. Jesus died on the cross to open the floodgates of God’s power, to release the tornado of God’s rescuing strength, and to keep us in prime spiritual condition, ready to fight the devil for possession of our souls.

Isaiah 33:2 reveals the prophet’s prayer:

“O Lord, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble.”

Here are two truths from this verse and two powerful things God has for us when we follow his plan:

Two Truths:

Truth No. 1: God is gracious. That’s right, we serve a good God. He cares what happens to his children.

Truth No. 2: We must wait on him. Read that again. We can’t force God’s hand to imbue us with his power and goodness.

Two Powerful Things from God:

Powerful Thing No. 1: God is our arm every morning. Get excited! The God of the Universe is at our side when we go to bed, while we sleep, and when we wake. He is with us always!

Powerful Thing No. 2: God is our salvation in the time of trouble. Now, that’s powerful! Trouble doesn’t have a chance! Smashed! Kaput! Out the door and into the garbage heap!

The devil can throw floods, winds, or strong men at us, but GOD IS OUR ARM EVERY MORNING, and he is our SALVATION IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE!

We are not weak when we depend on God!

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Excerpt of the Day

We already know the end of the story. Jesus rules, and the devil drools.

From The Devil's Day of Desolation,  Posted 02 May 2015