God Will Make a Way

English Audio Version

David, the master songsmith, the singer of praises, and the worship leader of Israel, gave us much of the Book of Psalms.

A favorite verse from the man after God’s own heart comes from Psalm 118:5. Let’s look at four life-changing truths found in this verse.

Life-Changing Truth No. 1:

“Out of my distress …”

God is never far from us. Our situation doesn’t distance us from the Father. He is near at hand.

Life-Changing Truth No. 2:

“I called on the Lord.”

Our cry of need moves the Lord’s heart. We are his children. He wants us to draw unto him.

Life-Changing Truth No. 3:

“The Lord answered me …”

Our needs are God’s concern. Our own children can call in the middle of the night, and we rush to them. How is God any different?

Life-Changing Truth No. 4:

“[He] set me free.”

What’s holding us back? What’s imprisoned us, bound our feet in the mire, and kept us from our success? God wishes to cast it onto the dung heap. He will toss it as far from us as the east is from the west.

The words of the prophet in Isaiah 43:19 give us God’s new direction.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Our old life, our despair and distress, are part of our past. God is moving us forward. Even when we can’t see it, God is in control, and he is doing great things for us.

Our wilderness is our stressful job, our broken car, and our physical illness. Our desert is our lack of companionship, our empty bankbook, and our emotional devastation.

God says he will make a way!

Our job is to trust in him, to follow him faithfully, and to praise him when each good thing comes our way.

Our strength in God is our promise. Our praise is God’s due.

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Code: FGO.D.05.19b.vp.esv

Excerpt of the Day

The more time we spend in the Word and in prayer, the more flavorful we will be to the needy around us.

From Soaked by God,  Posted 03 May 2015