Shrink Wrapped for Jesus

A single thread is easy to snap. Take a toothpick, and it breaks with barely a twist. Paper? Who could not tear a sheet of paper?

Yet, wrap that thread around your fist one hundred times, and you won’t get loose. Fifty toothpicks will defeat you at every turn. Paper? Try a phone book. You won’t be successful.

Why, then, do Christians try so hard to walk the straight and narrow path all alone? When the battles of life beat at us, we hunker down in silence, defending our souls against the evil one, thinking that no one understands. We turn inward, and we let our Christian family slip away from us, even as we refuse their outstretched hands of love.

In 1 Chronicles, David was at the brink of destruction. The devil had beat at him, and he felt he walked the narrow path alone. Where was he to find any help for his battle-weary soul?

We read the answer in the first verse of Chapter 12. David’s companions and supporters began to wrap him with the thread of love. They came to him fifty toothpicks deep, ready to protect their leader with their very lives. They became God’s phone book, a massive force in the Almighty’s hands, one that not even the devil could tear in two.

Verse 1 says it all:

“Now these are they who came to David...and they were among the mighty men, helpers of the war.”

When we draw close to our Christian brothers in need, we become their tightly-bound thread, their solid support, their tome too substantial to be broken apart. We become their battlements, a stalwart protection against encroaching defeat by the evil one.

When we become shrink wrapped to one another in Jesus’ name, we become so much stronger than we ever could have been had we stood alone.

Copyright © 2013

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Excerpt of the Day

Where we are is not where we'll stay. God has greater works for us to do.

From Lifted Up for the Good Work,  Posted 05 May 2015