A Match Made in Heaven

A bride’s wedding day is supposed to be the best day of her life. She is decked out in finery, worshipped by those around her, and the world is her oyster.

It is true, too. You can see it in her face. The day becomes perfect, for it all leads to one thing: being swept off her feet by the one she loves.

That is what our marriage to Christ is to be like. Here are five steps to the most wonderful wedding in all creation.

We can look to the heavens as our example:

In Psalm 19:5, the Word describes the grandeur of the heavens, for they declare the glory of God. All across the earth, his hand of perfection is seen. There are no words to describe the wonders of his creation. They are as a bridegroom coming out of his chambers.

What a wonderful wedding scene, one that our minds can barely grasp, for there is no earthly rhinestone or glitter to compare to the marvels of the heavens created by God alone.

We should dress in the finest raiment we own:

When we come before God, Isaiah 61:10 tells us to greatly rejoice in Jehovah. Our soul should exult in him, for we are clothed with the garments of salvation and righteousness. We are as a bridegroom wearing garlands of flowers, and as a bride glittering with the finest of jewels.

The presence of God is not a place for dour expressions and drab clothing. When the world sees us enter and exit the church building, they should see a people who rejoice in the Lord.

We can feel free to enjoy life:

Matthew 9:15 reveals Jesus’ response to a burning question: Why do your disciples not fast as the Pharisees do?

Jesus tells his questioners that at a wedding, there is rejoicing and feasting, for indeed, how can the wedding party be sad when the bridegroom is at their side?

When we have accepted Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, he is continually with us, and we should celebrate our time with him.

We must take care not to become proud:

In Revelation 18:23 we read where Babylon has made herself into the prince of the earth, and she has deceived all the nations. The passage tells us how the lamp will be extinguished in Babylon, and the joyous voices of the bride and the bridegroom will be heard no more.

Our rejoicing must be in the one true God, Jehovah, and we must look to him as our strength. If we begin to strut in our pride, God will pull us down from our pedestal, for all praises are due to him alone.

We can expect Jesus to one day return for us:

Underline, circle, or put a sticky note on 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. God’s Word declares that with a loud shout, his trumpet will sound, and his children, both dead and alive, will rise into the air to meet him. We will be caught up in the clouds together, and we will be with the Lord forever.

It will be our wedding day. We will rejoice, for we will join the bridegroom in a match that was made in heaven over 2,000 years ago.

God treasures us as his bride, and we should anticipate his return as our strong and mighty bridegroom. We should be giddy, we should think of Jesus constantly, and we should celebrate his presence every day. Then and only then will the world know that we are in love with him.

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Excerpt of the Day

We already know the end of the story. Jesus rules, and the devil drools.

From The Devil's Day of Desolation,  Posted 02 May 2015