When is a war considered over, and when can we lay down our arms?
Half a century ago, a war ripped the country of Korea in two. Yet, even when the fighting stopped, the war was not over. The tenuous peace was only a cease-fire, one that has remained in place for over fifty years.
In March of 2013, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made thinly veiled threats to bomb the U.S. mainland and made it equally clear his country is still at war with South Korea.
When is our spiritual battle with the devil over? Never! Today is not the day to lay down our weapons, for evil may rise up at any time to devour us once again.
In the Scriptures, God encourages us to stand strong and be ever vigilant. Let’s look at five things he tells us.
First: We must give God our praises, for he is our strength.
In Psalm 144:1-2 David tells us that it is God who trains us for war. God equips our hands for battle. God is our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, and our shield. We are to take refuge in him.
When the devil comes at us, only God can give us strength against him. We cannot fight against the evil one in our own might.
Second: God will equip us for the battle.
Ephesians 6:10-18 describes the armor of God. He will provide his warriors a belt of truth and a breastplate of righteousness. Our feet will wear the gospel of peace; we will carry the shield of faith; and on our head will be the helmet of salvation.
When we let the Lord equip us for battle, there is none that can defeat us.
Third: Do not fear if others fall by the wayside.
2 Timothy 3:1-7 warns us that the last days will be difficult. People will love self more than God. Many will put on the appearance of godliness, but their lifestyles will deny its power.
When we find people who are ungrateful, heartless, and lovers of pleasure, we must turn away from them lest we be led astray.
Fourth: Do not follow after false leaders.
In Luke 21:8-9 Jesus tells us many will come in his name, claiming, “I am the one you should follow.”
We must be careful to discern whether our leaders are following biblical truth. We must not be lulled into thinking the battle is over. We are still at war with the devil.
Fifth: The battle will one day come to an end.
In Ecclesiastes 3:8 we read that there is a time to love, a time to hate, a time for war, and a time for peace.
When will that peace come? At the return of the King of all kings.
In Revelation 21:1-4 we read of a new heaven and a new earth. A great voice cries that God will wipe away every tear, and there shall be no more mourning, or crying, or pain anymore.
This will not be a cease-fire. This will be the victory of Christ over sin, and the evil one will be vanquished until the end of time!
We can never let down our guard, for we are still at war with the devil. However, we can be strong in God, for he is our strength unto the end of days.
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