The Dog in the Well

In 2011 a Rottweiler named Leslie fell in a 20 foot dry well. It was a week before she was found and safely pulled out.

Leslie’s story goes further. A year earlier, she had been rescued from being euthanized. Twice she had reached the brink of death and lived through it.

What was Leslie’s secret? She couldn’t have saved herself from the veterinarian’s needle. There was no way for her to climb out of the well. She was facing sure death each time. Her circumstances were impossible to overcome.

However, each time, someone stepped in, and her destiny was changed.

In Luke 8:41-43 we find two people who faced impossible circumstances. One was Jarius, the ruler of the synagogue, and the other was the woman with the issue of blood. They were like Leslie, for Jarius stared the death of his daughter in the face, and the woman was in the depths of despair, certain all hope was lost.

Leslie was rescued twice by the same family, the first time from the needle, and the second time from the well. In that same way, Jesus offered his hand of healing to both Jarius and his daughter; and the woman with the issue of blood. As soon as they reached out and took it, the healing was theirs.

When we can see no way out of our situation, when we’ve fallen so low that the light above us dims in the distance, there is someone reaching a hand to us. When death or chronic illness seems to block out the rays of the sun, we can reach out and touch Jesus, and his healing will flow to us.

Leslie was saved from the needle of death. She was also lifted out of a well of hopelessness.

Jarius’ daughter walked again, her death sentence flung aside by Jarius’ act of faith. The woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, and his power lifted her to the pinnacle of health.

What do we need Jesus to do for us? It is by his stripes that we are healed. All we have to do is reach out to him.

When we reach out to Jesus, he reaches back to us.

Copyright © 2013

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Excerpt of the Day

We already know the end of the story. Jesus rules, and the devil drools.

From The Devil's Day of Desolation,  Posted 02 May 2015