The Water and the Spirit

English Audio Version

Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews.

Jesus was a mystery to him, and he came to the Master by night to discover what he was all about.

Nicodemus was convinced that the miracles of Jesus must mean God was with him, and he wished confirmation that Jesus was who he said he was.

In John 3:3, Jesus tells him something that only confused Nicodemus more.

“Jesus answered him, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ ”

Born a second time? Nicodemus envisioned a man entering his mother’s womb for a repeated birth.

Jesus restated his response in John 3:5.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

Our water rebirth signifies our physical body. We must be outwardly changed in our lifestyle. That’s not enough, however. We must also be changed inwardly. Our moral compass, our code of integrity, and our compassion for our fellow humans must be elevated to God’s standard.

The water and the Spirit, how we live and how we treat others. It’s what Christ expects of us, and it reflects his nature through us.

Our faith comes through understanding, and our lives are changed through our faith.

Copyright © 2018

Code: FGO.C.01.18e.vp.esv

Excerpt of the Day

We already know the end of the story. Jesus rules, and the devil drools.

From The Devil's Day of Desolation,  Posted 02 May 2015