Holding Success in Our Hands

Do we sometimes feel there are those around us who know something we don’t? Perhaps they seem to hold success in their hands, and we can’t figure out how they do it. We want to know the secret.

Let’s try to put ourselves in their shoes.

First, think about the defining moments in our lives. We are aware of them. They are those moments where we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our destiny has been changed. Our lives will not be the same again.

Perhaps it was when we were nine or nineteen or twenty-nine, and we accepted Jesus, choosing to walk with him as our Lord for the first time. Maybe we were in a low place in our walk, and through divine providence, we felt the finger of God, and our faith was stirred to be a minister or a missionary. Maybe the Spirit stirred us to give an offering that was beyond our means, or we felt a prompting to turn to him for our financial needs.

In 2 Peter 1:3 we read that for us to know him better, through his great power he will give us everything we need for truly living a good life.

He even shares his own power, glory, and goodness with us.

There are three life-changing steps for holding success in our hands, and if we follow them with a heart for the Lord and a determination to never give up, we will know the blessings of the Father.

We will fulfill the plan God has for our lives. It will be exciting, and his continual presence will overwhelm us with his grace.

First, there is a Revelation.

This is a change that makes our lives different than before, if we reach out and claim it. We may be born again, receive the Holy Spirit, be given the opportunity to prosper, or be blessed with divine health. This revelation gives us an opportunity for action through expectation and obedience.

We must expect defining moments when God says to us to take a step of faith.

The second thing we have to do is face a Reality Check.

This means we had better stop and deal with the situations we face in life.

Ephesians 6:5-8 tells us that we are to obey our earthly masters with an eye to our heavenly master; never just to get by, but with an eye to the fact that we’re really serving God. Good work will get us good pay from the master, whether our earthly one or our heavenly one.

Third, we realize there is a Decision to be made.

When God places it on our hearts to serve him in a special way, we have to make a decision on how we will respond. It might be in that offering we have to stretch to afford or in taking on that assignment in our church for which we feel unqualified, but when we step out on faith, we can have an expectation that there will be a manifestation in our lives.

Think about it like this. When God takes us a new direction, the usual response is to say, “I cannot do this.” The unusual response is to say, “I can’t afford not to do this.”

God has a supernatural plan for our lives. We are part of the process. If we let him lead us, we’re headed just where he wants us to go.

When God gives us a revelation, we must decide to follow his prompting and let him bless us. Only then will others look at us and see the success we hold in our hands.

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Excerpt of the Day

We already know the end of the story. Jesus rules, and the devil drools.

From The Devil's Day of Desolation,  Posted 02 May 2015