Seven Things from God’s Wishing Well (part 6 of 7)

In Western culture, we are encouraged to be strong and independent. A failed marriage? Single mom raises three kids successfully on her own. A death in the family? Son gets three days off work. Alcohol addiction? Pull it together, man! Your family needs you.

We are frowned on if we go to family aid, take extended bereavement, or spend time in a rehabilitation facility. Man sees our cry for help as a weakness.

However, God sees our reaching out to him as a strength.

In fact, in his Word, he encourages us to ask of him what we will. He wants us to feel free to go to him when we are in need. He has told us exactly that many times in his Word, and we will look at six examples today.

Verse 1:

Psalm 121:2 tells us that our help comes from God, who made the ground we walk upon and the heavens above.

When we reach out to him, he will reach back to us, for he created us so that he can shower his goodness on us when we realize we are not strong enough to handle our troubles on our own.

Verse 2:

Zechariah 10:1 says to ask the Lord for rain when drought takes hold.

Literally, this means he will shower moisture on our dry fields. However, the spiritual meaning is even deeper. When we are in a time of spiritual drought, we are to seek his presence, and he will be there for us.

Verse 3:

Matthew 7:7 encourages us to ask what we need of the Lord, and it shall be given to us.

It is that simple. Ask of the Lord. We don’t need to beg or plead. He has already promised to give us what we request. God wants us to feel eminently comfortable in coming to him, for he draws us nigh.

Verse 4:

John 14:13-14 tells us to ask whatever we want in his name.

We have power of attorney to use his name for our spiritual needs. When God gives us his power of attorney, we can act freely and without compunction.

God encourages us to do so in order that he may be glorified!

Verse 5:

Philippians 4:13 lets us know we can do all things through Christ, for he strengthens us.

To turn that verse around, Christ strengthens us in order for us to do all things.  He expects us to come to him for our needs, because he has a job for us to do.

Verse 6:

In 1 John 5:14-15 we read that we can have confidence in Christ. He will hear us when we ask according to his will.

This passage assures us of his readiness to hear our prayers. Then it takes us one step further, telling us that we can be confident that if he hears us, then he will give us what we need.

God does not look for independent Christians, ones who have the strength to live a righteous life without him. Rather, he wants us to bow before him, for when we do, his love abounds.

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Excerpt of the Day

Comparing ourselves to God keeps us from veering far off course.

From Our Indulgent Notions,  Posted 14 June 2015