God Desires Worship from His People (Volume 1)

God Desires Worship from His People Volume 1Often we know exactly what we want from God.

We come to him with a list that keeps scrolling down our screens, and when he doesn't answer in a time frame that pleases us, we get frustrated.

However, the real question should be, “What does God want from us?”  He does have something he wants from us.

It’s not a great cathedral or a life spent on the mission field. True, he may call us those directions, but what he really wants above all else is a simple thing.

God wants our praise. He wants us to say, “Thank you, God,” and he wants us to mean it.

God does for us because he loves us, and if we ignore him, he will continue to send the rain and make the sun to shine. However, if we really want in his pocket, we need to tell him we love him.

That is what opens his heart and makes him want to do everything that we ask of him.

Those with children of their own know this is true.  When our children tug at our hearts, we want to give them everything they desire.

We are God’s children, and he feels the same about us. Let’s lift our arms in praise, and he will reach his hands down to us.

It works every time. Just try it.

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