4 Moments We Will Find Joy

English Audio Version

David in the Bible is the song meister, the writer of poems, the man who teaches us that we can release joy in worshipping God.

David is the principle author of the Book of Psalms.

Today, let’s look at Psalm 97:11-12.

“Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to his holy name!”

This passage gives us 4 Moments We Can Find Joy.

Our 1st Moment:

When we live by God’s rules, we will know joy. We will experience the light of God’s love.

Our 2nd Moment:

Our desire to become more like our Lord will daily flood us with the peace and joy of Christ.

Our 3rd Moment:

Singing praises to God will lift us into his joy and fill us with his eternal and warming presence.

Our 4th Moment:

Acknowledging God’s authority and benevolence in our lives brings us closer to him and his infilling joy.

Joy doesn’t have to be a mystery. It’s a definitive byproduct of our interactions with the holy God of all creation. When we move closer to him, we cannot help but be covered with his indescribable joy.

God’s joy rubs off on us when we reach out to him.

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Excerpt of the Day

If we build God a palace without filling it with our praises, we have left the foundation stones undone.

From What Do We Owe God?,  Posted 26 May 2015