Our LUSH God

When the days of spring linger, and the first buds have brought forth flowering bouquets, the world feels alive and new. All is green and LUSH, and anything seems possible.

We want these days to last forever. It is a time of relaxation and rejoicing. It is a time for thanksgiving to the God who created this world for us to enjoy.

Let’s look at our LUSH God:

L – He is LIVING today, not dead as some might say.

Many people point to the cross and claim that the promises of Jesus are hollow, for they cannot envision life coming out of death. Yes, Jesus did die on that rough tree. However, 1 Peter 2:4 tells us he is our LIVING Stone, rejected by man, but chosen by God.

Not only is Jesus still alive, he offers to bring us into spiritual life with him, giving us a place in the family of God.

U – He is UPRIGHT in all his ways, presenting unto us a perfect example.

As David wrote Psalm 25, he was at a pivotal point in his life. He was filled with distress as he pleaded with the Lord for intervention for Israel.

In Verse 8, he acknowledges the example God sets for humanity, telling us that the Lord is good and UPRIGHT, instructing man in the ways he should walk.

When God created man, he gave us our fallen natures. As a sign of his love, he continually holds his standard high, drawing our spirits to him.

S – He SUCCORS those who are in need of him, giving aid to the helpless.

Jesus didn’t come to us as privileged royalty who could not understand our human condition. Instead, he became human so that he could know the depths of our trials. Hebrews 2:18 tells us that because he suffered and was tempted, he is able to provide SUCCOR to humanity. When we struggle to find our way to him, he holds out his hand in assistance.

Jesus comes to our aid when we reach out to him, for he has suffered as we suffer, and he has been tempted as we are tempted.

H – He is the HEALTH that restores us, returning green to our barren fields.

Israel had fallen low, and there was no good to be found in her future. Yet, in Jeremiah 30, we read of the prophesied return of Judah and Israel to the Promised Land.

In Verse 17, God tells Israel he will return HEALTH to her and heal her wounds. She has been an outcast, and he desires to make her strong once again.

When we face barren times, and all doors seem shut to us, God will restore us physically, mentally, and financially.

When God’s presence washes over our lives, he brings the lushness of new life. We are made new in him.

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Excerpt of the Day

Comparing ourselves to God keeps us from veering far off course.

From Our Indulgent Notions,  Posted 14 June 2015