Caching Your Dollar Signs

English Audio Version

Read an online review of a restaurant. One way to determine whether that restaurant is for you is to check the dollar signs.

Yes, dollar signs.

One dollar sign means you can afford to visit and bring your extended family with you.

Two dollar signs says maybe only you and one other, and perhaps your children, if they’ve been especially good.

Three dollar signs . . . think twice. This is for a special night out.

Four dollar signs says you’ll need to raise the limit on your credit card.

If there are five dollar signs, you need to scroll on down, because you can’t afford to walk through the door.

However, if you’ve saved up enough, visiting the restaurant with five dollar signs can be a fun treat. Just make sure your cache of money is sufficient to cover the bill.

Proverbs 22:16 gives us two cautions to help us manage our dollars wisely.

“Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.”

Our 1st Caution:

We can’t milk our money from the poor. No slum landlords allowed in the Lord’s kingdom. No payday loan sharks charging high interest. That’s not how God wants to you fill your bank account.

Our 2nd Caution:

Don’t spend on needless bling. Charging up our accounts to keep up with the neighbors is wasteful and a poor choice of how to allocate our dollars. We’re helping the rich get richer while spending ourselves into the poorhouse.

Pay attention to what things cost. That’s what this is all about. What’s the value we get from our purchases?

Is dinner really worth four dollar signs, or is two a better bet for us?

When we use good sense, our money becomes a tool to help us live a better life. Our cache of dollars will grow, and we’ll always have more than we need.

When we live by God’s rules, we will enjoy a life of freedom in God’s financial plenty.

Copyright © 2021

Code: FGO.G.02.20a.vp.esv

Excerpt of the Day

We already know the end of the story. Jesus rules, and the devil drools.

From The Devil's Day of Desolation,  Posted 02 May 2015