Eight billion.
That’s how many people are on the earth.
An Internet vlog had an insightful response to an article that said, “I don’t want to own my own business, be famous, or be remembered. I enjoy my life, and that’s enough for me.”
One more unremembered person who will disappear one day, and no one will know they were here. Is that you, or do you desire more?
1 John 4:4 says we are giants is the grand plan of our Lord.
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
Pay attention to the first four words of this verse: You are of God.
Now look at the last part: He is greater than he who is in the world.
That’s giant talk. And we are of him and in him, the most powerful being in creation!
Giants in our salvation, walking with our God, who has overcome our problems and our challenges.
What does this mean for us? We can lift our heads. We are not lost among the billions on the planet. God sees us, he delivers us, and in him, we are empowered to become more than the evil one says we can.
Your own business? Celebrity status? A mark in the history books of tomorrow?
God knows your name! We have become Giants in his book, and that’s the best life we can live!
Our hope is in Jesus, for he is our all-in-all and our eternal redemption unto glory with him.
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