3 Infusions of God’s Love

English Audio Version

Infusion is a cooking term.

We can mix eggs and milk, stir sugar into our coffee, even scramble hamburger meat for spaghetti.

None of those does what an infusion does.

An infusion permeates every part of whatever it touches.

Infuse those brownies with dark chocolate, and the flavor bursts from every bite.

Infuse your roast with cloves, and the aroma will saturate your senses with tasty goodness.

When we infuse a spice or flavor into our food, it becomes as much a part of the food as the food itself.

Here are 3 Infusions of God’s Love from Psalms.

Infusion No. 1:

“For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him.” Psalm 22:24

When we hurt, God surrounds us, fills our situation with his presence, and changes everything. His presence permeates every part of our pain.

Infusion No. 2:

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Psalm 34:19

When trouble comes against us, the presence of God bursts forth in every situation. His power flows from us, and the bad things are turned around to our good.

Infusion No. 3:

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.” Psalm 138:7

God saturates us with his protecting power. Every bad thing that comes our way is turned to tasty goodness by the power of the Lord.

We can’t mix God into our lives one day a week. It’s no good to stir him into our mealtime prayers. We can’t even scramble him into our family time. We must infuse God into every part of who we are for our lives to make a difference for him.

God wants to be our everything. He wants as much of us as we’ll give him.

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Code: FGO.J.04.19b.vp.esv

Excerpt of the Day

Comparing ourselves to God keeps us from veering far off course.

From Our Indulgent Notions,  Posted 14 June 2015