God Will Lift Us Up

To stumble is to be humble. It gives us empathy with those around us.

However, what about those times when we can’t rise again? The perils of this life have knocked our legs out from under us, and the heavens seem shut to our prayers.

Even when we think God is not listening, his ears are attuned to us. He wants us to continue to pray, so that he can reach to us, and use us to glorify him.

Today we will look at three passages that encourage us not to give up on God.

Passage 1 shows us that God will not refuse to answer our prayers forever.

The prophet Isaiah laments Israel’s separation from God, yet God is filled with everlasting love for his people. In Isaiah 54:7 we read, “For a small moment I have forsaken you, but with great mercies will I gather you back unto me.”

Then he continues in Verse 17, and he cries, “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper, for you are the servant of the Most High God, and your righteousness is of me.”

Even when we feel separated from God, he wants to be reunited with us. Our separation from him is temporary, and he will draw us once again unto him.

Passage 2 lets us know that when we humble ourselves before God, he will draw unto us.

Shishak, the king of Egypt, was at Jerusalem’s door. The city was about to fall before the might of the enemy. God’s hand had been withdrawn from them.

That is often how we feel. The world beats us down, and where is God when we need him? The destroyer hovers at our gate, and we can only plead with God for help.

In 2 Chronicles 12:7 we read, “And when Jehovah saw that they humbled themselves, he said, ‘They have humbled themselves: I will not destroy them. I will grant them... deliverance.’ ”

When we come humbly before the Lord, his tender mercies are awakened, and he will reach his hand of deliverance to us.

Passage 3 reveals to us the uplifting power of the Almighty God.

Sometimes we wonder what God can do with us. We question our qualifications. Have we been good enough? Studied the scriptures enough? Prayed enough? Helped our fellow man enough?

There is nothing we can do to earn God’s good graces. He doesn’t expect us to. He will lift up whom he wishes, for he is the God of all creation.

Read about how he operates in Romans 9:17. In this verse we learn that God called unto Pharaoh, telling him, “For this very purpose did I raise you up, that through you I might show my power to the world, and that my name might be published abroad in all the earth.”

If God will raise up one who does not know him, how much more will he lift one of his children to great heights in order to proclaim his power and majesty to the world?

When we feel alienated from God, we need to remember that it is for a short season. When we humble ourselves before him, he will lift us up before the world, and his name will be shouted before all creation.

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Excerpt of the Day

Comparing ourselves to God keeps us from veering far off course.

From Our Indulgent Notions,  Posted 14 June 2015