How to Get Healing

English Audio Version

Doctors are gifted with the knowledge of God.

The best surgeons have the magnificent construction of God’s nerves and tissues to do the job they do.

Scientists test and prove new medications for our healing. They rely on God’s instructions to the molecules and atoms to determine which chemicals are best for which ailment.

Yet, sometimes we are not healed. We visit the doctor, and she raises her hands in bewilderment. She has no answers for us, and we feel frustration wash over us.

Why can’t we be healed?

We can! God’s Word tells us how in James 5:16.

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

This verse gives us two caveats for our healing.

First, we must confess our sins one to another. Just speaking them to God isn’t enough.

Second, we must pray one for another. Trusting God on our own is only part of what God requires. He wants us to share our prayer of faith with other believers.

This verse even supplies God’s reasoning behind his instructions.

“The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

We become righteous in Christ when we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. We become powerful in the Lord when we fall to our knees in prayer.

We can’t let hidden sin keep us from the healing of God. The Father has a plan, and when we align ourselves with him, he will work miracles through us.

God is our healing, and in him, we will find our good health.

Copyright © 2019

Code: FGO.D.19.19a.vp.esv

Excerpt of the Day

We already know the end of the story. Jesus rules, and the devil drools.

From The Devil's Day of Desolation,  Posted 02 May 2015