God’s promises come with conditions. I know we don’t like to hear that. We want his cornucopia to open in the sky and pour out good things on us. A new car? It floats down on a parachute, ...

A hot air balloon ride can be invigorating, with the beauty of the earth spread below us … so long as we have a competent pilot onboard. No one wants to be rudderless. To be cast adrift is ...

So, the cat got your tongue? You feel you can’t speak your faith? The world is hovering over you, and the dark clouds threaten to overwhelm you? Stop thinking that way! God is your salvation. ...

Think back on what God has promised you. Has everything come to pass? Are you still waiting? Do you wonder if God’s forgotten the prayer you prayed and the answer you felt was yours? Is it ...

Children need a hand up every now and then. A curb is too tall, or the shelf is just out of reach. It doesn’t take much, just that little bit to get them over the frustrating part. As they get ...

Bad things happen to good people. Every day. And that’s just the big things, the ones that threaten our safety and security. Life and limb. Our most precious relationships. Little things are ...

Visit the pound someday. Check out the abandoned dogs. They don’t trust anyone. The people who’ve loved them have cast them aside, and they only have steel and concrete walls for ...

Are you unhappy with your lot in life? The world says to get up and change things. It’s up to you. Make your fortune. It won’t come to you from a cornucopia in the sky. They’re right, too. ...

A re-do is what’s great about video games. If we fail at a level, and we get the chance to do it over, that’s a win all around. Many racing games allow players to back up the game for 5, 10, ...

What proof do we have of God? What’s out there, really, that says there is a supreme being that created everything, and that he (or she) cares about the fate of humanity? How can our little ...

Age means nothing. You’ve heard that said by people who are nearing their senior years, and they still feel energetic and vital. They feel they still have something to contribute to the world ...

Life is a battle. Sometimes it seems to the death. How can we be successful in Christ when we can’t even get out of bed in the morning? Romans 8:38-39 gives us 10 Ways We Overcome the ...

Are you in the dumps? Has life offended you? Does anger make your blood boil? God says the dumps are no place to be and you should get out now. When you wail in despair, your tears stain your ...

God’s promises come with conditions. I know we don’t like to hear that. We want his cornucopia to open in the sky and pour out good things on us. A new car? It floats down on a parachute, ...

A hot air balloon ride can be invigorating, with the beauty of the earth spread below us … so long as we have a competent pilot onboard. No one wants to be rudderless. To be cast adrift is ...

So, the cat got your tongue? You feel you can’t speak your faith? The world is hovering over you, and the dark clouds threaten to overwhelm you? Stop thinking that way! God is your salvation. ...

Think back on what God has promised you. Has everything come to pass? Are you still waiting? Do you wonder if God’s forgotten the prayer you prayed and the answer you felt was yours? Is it ...

Children need a hand up every now and then. A curb is too tall, or the shelf is just out of reach. It doesn’t take much, just that little bit to get them over the frustrating part. As they get ...

Bad things happen to good people. Every day. And that’s just the big things, the ones that threaten our safety and security. Life and limb. Our most precious relationships. Little things are ...

Visit the pound someday. Check out the abandoned dogs. They don’t trust anyone. The people who’ve loved them have cast them aside, and they only have steel and concrete walls for ...
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