Experts once claimed that goldfish have a three-second memory. They track their world in three second intervals. One – two – three – bam! The world begins again. We know now that’s not ...

Do you feel like the accused? Things in your life go awry, and you feel all eyes looking to you? “It’s her fault. If only she wasn’t involved.” “He does that every time. Why can’t ...

Wringing your hands again? Are your eyes black from lack of sleep? Do all the bad possibilities keep you preoccupied, preventing you from leading the life you really want to live? It’s time to ...

Coming up short after Christmas? Are you emotionally empty, your tank drained dry? Have the holiday festivities taken everything from you, and there’s just nothing left? Your enthusiasm has ...

Christmas cards are wonderful sources of inspiration. We feel the warmth and reassurance of familial love with each one we read. Open that glitter-painted red-and-green card, and the words inside ...

It’s not fun for people to say bad things about us. The pain is a knife to our heart, a searing brand burning into us, crushed glass under our feet. Social media makes it worse. The whole world ...

We’re familiar with the word faith. We use it all the time. “I don’t have any faith in that bicycle. The tires won’t hold air.” “Have faith in me. Have I ever let you down?” Yet ...

The story of Jericho is a popular one in Biblical lore. Hollywood has glamorized the tale in film, with the Israelites marching around the city, and on the final day, the walls crashing to the ...

Have you ever been out in a small boat? It’s fun. You’re right there on the water, close enough to touch. All you need to do is reach, and you can wet your fingers in the cool, clear ...

Got a fever? A damp cloth will help you feel better. Have you run a hard race? A splash of water will refresh your skin. Is the sun bearing down on you? How about that air conditioner? It ...

We’re told to trust in God. Then the fridge goes south, and we scramble for funds to get it up and running. Or our church needs more room, but there’s no money to expand. The building fund ...

Living on the coast is wonderful … except when a hurricane blows in. During the rest of the year, we enjoy warm sand, pleasant temperatures, and bright sun. We roam the roads with our car’s ...

What’s got you down? Your kids? Are they acting out again? Or is it your job? Your boss has cut your hours, and you don’t know how you’ll make it up? Or maybe your car … or your washing ...

Experts once claimed that goldfish have a three-second memory. They track their world in three second intervals. One – two – three – bam! The world begins again. We know now that’s not ...

Do you feel like the accused? Things in your life go awry, and you feel all eyes looking to you? “It’s her fault. If only she wasn’t involved.” “He does that every time. Why can’t ...

Wringing your hands again? Are your eyes black from lack of sleep? Do all the bad possibilities keep you preoccupied, preventing you from leading the life you really want to live? It’s time to ...

Coming up short after Christmas? Are you emotionally empty, your tank drained dry? Have the holiday festivities taken everything from you, and there’s just nothing left? Your enthusiasm has ...

Christmas cards are wonderful sources of inspiration. We feel the warmth and reassurance of familial love with each one we read. Open that glitter-painted red-and-green card, and the words inside ...

It’s not fun for people to say bad things about us. The pain is a knife to our heart, a searing brand burning into us, crushed glass under our feet. Social media makes it worse. The whole world ...

We’re familiar with the word faith. We use it all the time. “I don’t have any faith in that bicycle. The tires won’t hold air.” “Have faith in me. Have I ever let you down?” Yet ...
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