What are you worth? Can you place a price on yourself? Tally it this way: How many meals do you provide for your family each year? What’s the total funds you bring in through your job? How ...

What do we mean when we say something is written in stone? Why don’t we say written in sand, instead … ah, right. It will be blown away by the wind or washed away by water. Written in wood … ...

Church is a community effort. We love the people we see on Sunday morning, and we’re glad they join us for the morning service. However, sometimes we feel that we’re carrying too much of the ...

So, you want God to speak to you. “Just talk to me, God. I’m listening … like, now, maybe?” And you get up from your prayer spot and head into the day, moving forward disappointed that God ...

So, worry is who you are. Every day, your thoughts are embroiled in what MIGHT happen today, tomorrow, a year from now. Even your sleep is broken as you toss and turn. People tell you, “Be happy ...

The aftermath of Hurricane Debby in 2024 left parts of Sarasota, Florida, inundated. The neighborhood of Laurel Meadows, an upscale community in Sarasota, saw all 86 homes flooded. Reports said ...

We know the story of Elijah and the widow from the book of 1 Kings. Her store of flour remained undiminished by the supernatural power of God. That seems incredible to us, like running low on gas in ...

Fear can be a benefit. If we’re being chased by a bear, fear heightens our ability to run long, farther, and faster. The downside of fear is that if it continues, it can mess with our mental ...

Burned out … empty … out of juice … You give of yourself to everyone, and sometimes, you feel as though you get nothing back. Perhaps you have an elderly parent to care for … young children ...

So, someone’s told you that you can’t. You can’t get that job. You can’t buy a new house. You can’t raise a child on your own. You can’t, you can’t, you can’t … HOLD ON ...

Bills overdue, check! Car repairs, check! Angry teen, check! Dog escaped again, check! Leaky faucet, check! “Gasp,” we moan, and we’re not finished yet … Empty fridge, check! Bank ...

Worry warts. You’ve met one or two, or you might be one yourself. “Oh, woe is me! What will happen next?” The lawnmower won’t start, I think I’ve lost my house key, my daughter didn’t ...

We’ve seen the puzzles titled "Where’s Waldo?" or the pattern of identical sheep that asks us to find the one that’s different. Sometimes it’s a page of words, and we’re asked to locate the ...
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