Keeping in Footstep with God

Church is a community effort. We love the people we see on Sunday morning, and we’re glad they join us for the morning service.

However, sometimes we feel that we’re carrying too much of the “effort” and not receiving enough of the “community.”

Don’t they know how hard it is to get Sunday school teachers for 11-year-olds? And if someone calls in sick, finding a substitute is like scrambling up a gravel hill that keeps slipping under us.

“Share the load,” we want to say, even as we wish them a good morning and welcome them to the Sunday worship service.

Here’s what the Word tells us in Galatians 6:9 ESV :

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Here’s what we need to remember: the good that we do.

We’re there for the kids, and one day, they will step up to take our place. They will be the Christian warriors we need them to be when we can no longer fight the good fight.

The same applies if you mow the church grounds each week.

… or lead the singing at the nursing home.

… or run the food pantry.

… or take the preteens out on a weekend camping trip.

… or wash the church van.

… or clean the sanctuary.

… or witness downtown on Saturday night.

The part of this verse that carries the most weight is “if we do not give up.”

Sure, it’s only fair for others to share our load, to chip in their time, to help us carry the burden of all that the Lord requires of us … but what if they don’t? Are we to throw up our hands and walk away? Let’s read it again:

“In due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Let’s not let the good we do sidetrack the love we show. Fairness does not impact what the Lord requires of us. The good we do is between us and God. The good others do is between God and them.

Don’t grow weary. You will reap your reward. It’s coming in God’s time, for his Word assures us it is so.

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Excerpt of the Day

When we team up with Jesus, we have to be prepared to withstand the battle against sin.

From Our Spiritual Massage,  Posted 11 June 2015