Reaching for the Future

So, worry is who you are.

Every day, your thoughts are embroiled in what MIGHT happen today, tomorrow, a year from now.

Even your sleep is broken as you toss and turn.

People tell you, “Be happy in today,” but how can you? What if a flood washes my house away, my spouse leaves me, the stock market crashes … it’s possible, you know. Even probable. It’s happened before …


Here’s what Ecclesiastes 3:11 says in the NLT version of His Word:

“God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.”

Look at the end of the first sentence. “… for its own time.”

Today … tomorrow … a year from now …

Life is beautiful, whatever it brings. It’s a treasure and a joy.

Now, back to that worrisome habit of worrying … don’t beat yourself up. This verse also says that God planted thoughts of the future (eternity) in your thoughts. However, here’s what you’re not focusing on:

God has plans you cannot see, cannot know, and cannot even imagine. When you are stressed about today, tomorrow, a year from now, God says, “My child, I’ve got this. I’m working it out as I speak to you. Be patient. I’ll be there for you when you need me.”

You can read it in this line: “People cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.”

We only see little pieces of God’s plan, the smallest part of the miracles he’s working out for us.

So, go ahead. Reach for the future. God has made that part of your nature. Also remember, God is looking out for you, and when that future comes along, he will be there by your side.

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Excerpt of the Day

When we team up with Jesus, we have to be prepared to withstand the battle against sin.

From Our Spiritual Massage,  Posted 11 June 2015