Two Strongholds to Banish Fear

Fear can be a benefit.

If we’re being chased by a bear, fear heightens our ability to run long, farther, and faster.

The downside of fear is that if it continues, it can mess with our mental stability, our digestive system, and our relationships.

God’s Word tells us that unwarranted fear is not part of his plan for us.

Read in Psalm 27:1 where we discover Two Strongholds to Banish Fear.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”

Stronghold No. 1:

God is our light, and it is he who illuminates the path we are to walk.

When decisions become hard, and we are unsure whether to turn to the right or to the left, God is our gently pointing hand, and he guides us along the path he desires for us to travel.

Stronghold No. 2:

God offers us rescue, and he is our salvation when we call upon him. When we accept his hand of salvation and endeavor to live our lives by his plan, no enemy can come against us, for God is our protection and strong arm against any evil the devil throws in our path.

As this verse says, THE LORD IS MY STRONGHOLD. Then, just for good measure, it says, OF WHOM SHALL I BE AFRAID?

The very things we fear are afraid of the God who is our stronghold.

Place your trust in God, and he will kick fear out the door, for he is your LIGHT and SALVATION and desires to give you peace in your walk with him.

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Excerpt of the Day

When we team up with Jesus, we have to be prepared to withstand the battle against sin.

From Our Spiritual Massage,  Posted 11 June 2015