God Quiets Chicken Little

Worry warts.

You’ve met one or two, or you might be one yourself.

“Oh, woe is me! What will happen next?”

The lawnmower won’t start, I think I’ve lost my house key, my daughter didn’t call … WHAT IF THE TREE BLOWS DOWN IN THE STORM?

It could happen, sure. But here’s what God says in Matthew 6:34:

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Does that mean to be unprepared? Spend today’s paycheck before dark, because, well, going broke is for tomorrow, so, no worries, right? NO! What this verse says is to take care of what we can for today and let the rest worry about itself.

The plumber can’t come until morning? The basement floor is already soaked? Figure out something … do what you can … but when you’ve done what you know, let it go. You can’t repair the leak faster by worrying. Draw some water and turn it off at the meter. Stay in a motel. Visit a campground and make smores around a campfire if the opportunity is there.

The point is, don’t be a Chicken Little. He thought the sky was falling, when all he felt was a little bump on his head. The sky rarely falls, even when in the moment, it seems to.

Instead, look up. Find your strength in God. Tomorrow, next week, ten years from now … they haven’t happened yet. Save the worry until they do.

God is our peace and our sustaining strength. He will walk us though every day.

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Excerpt of the Day

When we team up with Jesus, we have to be prepared to withstand the battle against sin.

From Our Spiritual Massage,  Posted 11 June 2015