Let’s jump right into our verse in James 1:17.
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”
Without discussion, let’s break this verse down in smaller bites.
Bite No. 1: Every good thing.
What does that mean to you? Every. This encompasses ALL THINGS. Every single one. Good. The stress here is on things being good. Excellent. Of above-average quality. Thing. Items, people, events. If it’s good, it comes from God.
Bite No. 2: Every perfect gift.
Again, every means we must consider every gift. Perfect says they must be without flaw. Gift tells us that we didn’t work for it. It came to us voluntarily, free, and without demand for repayment.
Bite No. 3: Is from above.
Are you seeing this? The rest of the verse spells out what this means, that every item, person, or event that is perfect comes to us as a gift from the Father of Lights, in whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
God doesn’t choose to gift his perfection to one of his children and not another. He doesn’t offer it this day, then demand to take it back the next. He is loving and consistent, and always shines his love upon us.
He is our trust fund, always there, always consistent, and always gifting us with good things.
It’s good to be a Christian, for in our Father, we have someone in whom we can place our trust in all things.
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