Taking Our Victory Stand

English Audio Version

To take a stand.

It means to refuse to back down. We’re not taking no, we refuse to budge, we’re going to be in control from this point on.

During World War II, Hitler tried to claim France as his fiefdom. He was partially successful. Yet, despite his mighty fist of German might, there was a remnant of French resistance that refused to give in.

They took a stand, and part of France remained free. Those who were determined to be unchained badgered, harassed, and created continual trouble for the overlords that had tried to consume their homeland.

They got their comeuppance. Right as rain, as the war ended, and France was united once more, free from their Nazi oppressors.

Revelation 21:4 says that one day we will be free from the spiritual oppression of sin and the devil.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Let’s take our victory stand now. Let’s badger, harass, and create continual trouble for the overlord of this world. Let’s let the devil know we’ll never give in, and one day, we’ll be reunited with our Christian forbears, and there will be neither mourning, crying, or pain, because all that will be kicked out the door.

An old gospel hymn says to “hold the fort, for Jesus is coming.”

That can be our mantra today. Our Lord is on the horizon, and the light of his arrival can be clearly seen.

When we take a stand for Jesus, we will make a difference in the world.

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Code: FGO.F.28.20b.vp.esv

Excerpt of the Day

Comparing ourselves to God keeps us from veering far off course.

From Our Indulgent Notions,  Posted 14 June 2015