Whoever said that God was dead?
It’s like that Trix cereal commercial. Silly rabbit!
If you remember that old commercial, the rabbit keeps going after the cereal, something that’s not his and he’s been told to leave alone.
The same thing happened in the book of Genesis.
Why did God kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden? They wanted what they wanted (forbidden knowledge) and God said, “Enough!”
Then he kicked them out the door and said, “Try it on your own a while. Maybe you’ll reconsider.”
That rabbit never seems to learn, no matter how many times he’s redirected. That’s like mankind. God says, “Here’s my proof of my existence. I’ve placed it under every rock, in the depths of the sea, and scattered among the stars. You don’t think all the things you’re discovering just happened, do you? That’s me. Pay attention!”
And mankind jumps the fence, and we’re at it again. Look! Look! We did it! There’s no God! This is all about us, us, us!
Deuteronomy 4:29 is God’s final word on the conflict that started out in the Garden of Eden.
“But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
Here’s how it works: Whatever’s going on in your life, whatever you’ve been told, whatever you’ve placed your belief in, look around you. Search for God in any place, any circumstance, any need. If you 1) search after him with 2) all your heart and with 3) all your soul . . .
Well, let’s put it this way: God’s not hiding from you. Just the opposite. He’s waiting patiently for you to discover that he’s been there all along.
God is your deliverer, and he wants a relationship with you.
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