There is some confusion about why God doesn’t step in and solve all our problems.
“You have the power, God,” we cry. “Get to it. Wipe our troubles from the board so we can get on with ...
Free is outstanding.
When we see free added to a sign, we want to shop. Even if we must pay for one item to get another free, it’s a deal we can’t pass up.
That’s Jesus’ sacrifice on the ...
Become a preacher?
Who would want to do that?
We remember the PKs (preacher’s kids) we grew up with. They were the most tormented people around. Adults had outlandishly high expectations of ...
How does God do his will on the Earth?
Through us, his children. We are his hands, his feet, and his mouth.
How we treat people around us is how God is seen by the unbeliever.
We are God’s ...
Industrial farmers have it easy.
Okay, perhaps not easy, but they can certainly plow and harvest in comfort. Modern farming machines are air conditioned, have stereos, and come with spring-loaded ...
Electricity has changed the fabric of our world.
If you don’t understand that statement, have the electricity go off for a day . . . or two.
Ice storms often take down power ...
The holiday season is about gifts.
That seems materialistic, but we must look beyond the superficial. All those gifts we see bandied about have a deeper meaning.
It’s about anticipation (from ...
December quickly rolls around on the calendar, and holiday lights begin to sparkle on the streets.
How early can the Season begin?
On October 14 of 2018, in Great Falls, Iowa, the grass was ...
Gaining a reputation as a reputable brand is vital in the retail world.
If people respect our product, we’ll be able to sell anything.
Oprah Winfrey is a person of note. She’s built a media ...
What does a traffic light do?
That’s an easy one. It slows us down and makes us late to work.
It lets the other guy go first, even when we’ve been sitting there longer.
It eats up our day ...
Accepting Christ is easy.
Yes, easy, just as the Bible tells us.
There are only three things we must do.
A. We must believe.
That’s where it starts. We become convinced Jesus came and died ...
Seedless fruit is a waste.
Certainly, it can have a good flavor, and it might seem to be the best thing in the fridge, but what use is it really?
It’s a flash in the pan, good for the moment, ...
Branding is a way of identifying something. In modern terms, we put our signature all over a product or process so that people see it in a certain way.
We can brand certain foods as healthy, with ...
There is some confusion about why God doesn’t step in and solve all our problems.
“You have the power, God,” we cry. “Get to it. Wipe our troubles from the board so we can get on with ...
Free is outstanding.
When we see free added to a sign, we want to shop. Even if we must pay for one item to get another free, it’s a deal we can’t pass up.
That’s Jesus’ sacrifice on the ...
Become a preacher?
Who would want to do that?
We remember the PKs (preacher’s kids) we grew up with. They were the most tormented people around. Adults had outlandishly high expectations of ...
How does God do his will on the Earth?
Through us, his children. We are his hands, his feet, and his mouth.
How we treat people around us is how God is seen by the unbeliever.
We are God’s ...
Industrial farmers have it easy.
Okay, perhaps not easy, but they can certainly plow and harvest in comfort. Modern farming machines are air conditioned, have stereos, and come with spring-loaded ...
Electricity has changed the fabric of our world.
If you don’t understand that statement, have the electricity go off for a day . . . or two.
Ice storms often take down power ...
The holiday season is about gifts.
That seems materialistic, but we must look beyond the superficial. All those gifts we see bandied about have a deeper meaning.
It’s about anticipation (from ...