Let’s discuss the Olympics for a moment. Specifically, the opening ceremony. The part involving the flame that burns throughout the Games. In 1984, Los Angeles in the United States hosted the ...

It’s time to get out our garden gloves. We’ll also need potting soil, a bit of fertilizer, and a bigger pot. It’s time to replant that rootbound plant . . . the one we’ve ...

In automotive terms, a supercharger shoves more air down our engine’s throat. The faster the air flows in, the easier it is to burn the fuel flowing through the fuel rail. Choke off the air, ...

At the end of the year, we are told to slow down and smell the roses, to remember what was important to us during the previous twelve months and reflect on those things. What that really means is ...

Christmas presents are near useless without gift tags. Who knows who gets what? It’s likely we’ll give little Suzy’s new doll to Aunt Betsie as she stops by on her way back to Oregon. What ...

We’ve all said it: Show me! Someone makes a fantastical claim, and we don’t quite see how it could be true. Two six-year-olds are playing jacks, and one says, “I have a unicorn in my ...

A recent Internet news article expressed concern over the fate of undercover agents across the world. New technology has made it difficult to keep their identities secret. It’s not just cell ...

Size doesn’t count here. Being the bigger person isn’t in our muscles, the reach of our arms, or how tall we are. It’s in what we do, how we speak, and how we treat those around us. Read ...

What’s the use of dog tags? Obvious, you say. Certainly, for our pets, but what about the ones worn by humans? Yes, human dog tags. The sort soldiers wear. What’s the use of those dog ...

Finding success in the world is sometimes an impossible task. It simply can’t be done. Poverty. Grow up in a financially desperate situation, and you are unaware how to claw your way out. Get ...

Motivation. Jesus must have had it. Think about it. What else would have prompted the Son of God to leave the fancy, bling-filled life he had in heaven (Streets of gold, remember?) to wake in a ...

Today’s title is puzzling. Life as a dandelion? Aren’t dandelions weeds? We certainly try to eradicate them from the garden. Here’s the thing about dandelions: They are a good source of ...

Life is a series of stages. At the beginning, everyone else is in control. Kids are powerless in the shadow of their parents and teachers. Suddenly, we tower over our peers. And the adults that ...

Let’s discuss the Olympics for a moment. Specifically, the opening ceremony. The part involving the flame that burns throughout the Games. In 1984, Los Angeles in the United States hosted the ...

It’s time to get out our garden gloves. We’ll also need potting soil, a bit of fertilizer, and a bigger pot. It’s time to replant that rootbound plant . . . the one we’ve ...

In automotive terms, a supercharger shoves more air down our engine’s throat. The faster the air flows in, the easier it is to burn the fuel flowing through the fuel rail. Choke off the air, ...

At the end of the year, we are told to slow down and smell the roses, to remember what was important to us during the previous twelve months and reflect on those things. What that really means is ...

Christmas presents are near useless without gift tags. Who knows who gets what? It’s likely we’ll give little Suzy’s new doll to Aunt Betsie as she stops by on her way back to Oregon. What ...

We’ve all said it: Show me! Someone makes a fantastical claim, and we don’t quite see how it could be true. Two six-year-olds are playing jacks, and one says, “I have a unicorn in my ...

A recent Internet news article expressed concern over the fate of undercover agents across the world. New technology has made it difficult to keep their identities secret. It’s not just cell ...
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