The Complaint and the Cause

So, what’s life done to you?

How bad is it?

We might complain that life beats us up, but a mirror can many times be the best way to find out who’s at fault. The answer often hits closer to home than we find comfortable.

Jeremiah 8:20 tells us:

“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.”

Whining or valid complaint? We missed out on a cushy upbringing. Why don’t record producers realize how well we sing in the shower? Where’s our lottery win? Where’s our fancy car?

Proverbs 30:25 says to look into the mirror:

“The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.”

When we peer into the glass, look for these answers:

How many soda cans did you collect for redemption? Did you study to earn a place in a good college? That car takes huge money for upkeep. And to win a recording contract isn’t as easy as you think. It takes legwork and lots of it.

The ants are not strong … they don’t have a super IQ; Mommy and Daddy aren’t loaded; they weren’t “discovered” and vaulted into stardom.

They prepare their meat in the summer … hours at their studies; a part-time job; living on less than they earn, no matter what they must give up; putting in the footwork to get ahead one day.

You can be part of the complaint or part of the cause. Yes, life is unpredictable and often beats us up. You can be the motivator to launch your better tomorrow. Footwork. Small moves. Taking care of the details.

Your future starts today. Be like the ant. Put in the work now, and God will bless you tomorrow.

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Excerpt of the Day

When we team up with Jesus, we have to be prepared to withstand the battle against sin.

From Our Spiritual Massage,  Posted 11 June 2015