Picture this:
A young man climbs on the roof of a church, and he carries a bucket and a mop.
On the roof? We want to call to him, “Get down! That’s unsafe!”
Yet, he continues upward, reaches the steeple, where a white cross thrusts into the sky.
Then, carefully and lovingly, he dips the mop and begins to clean the cross so that it shines brightly against the clouds.
This story really happened in November of 2022. The young man was the minister’s son, and he wanted to do something to show his devotion to the Lord, his father, and his church.
I think he succeeded.
Philippians 4:13, one of the most familiar verses to the evangelical Christian, teaches us what this young man knew in his heart.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
We often take this to mean great mission endeavors or withstanding the pain of an abusive situation.
Sometimes, it’s simply finding new ways to show our love, commitment, and devotion to God, our family, and those with whom we walk, talk, and live.
All things. Kind things. Considerate things. Generous things. Godly things. Faithful things.
Too much? Afraid you can’t keep up, that you’ll exhaust yourself trying to be like Christ?
Nah, can’t happen. Read it like it says it … through Christ who strengthens me.
You are a champion, so get out there and let the world know. Get your bucket and your mop, and let’s clean up the world for Jesus!
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