The Good Season

Is your foot stuck in a bucket of concrete?

Are you on the edge of the dock, and you feel you are about to go over?

The water looks dark, and you can’t even see the bottom?

Do you think, woe is me, and sorry is the day I was born? I’ve tried to do good, and it has backfired on me every time?

Galatians 6:9 should jolt us into rethinking our morose frame of mind.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

 This verse gives us two directions and one very tasty result.

Direction No. 1:

Do not grow weary of doing good. Never. Even when it seems to misfire. Just keep at it.

Direction No. 2:

Do not give up. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not even if you are facing your darkest future yet. Just don’t.

Your Tasty Result:

In due season you will reap. To reap means to receive a good reward for your labor. To cash your check, to be waited on hand and foot at the fanciest restaurant in town.

Look forward to it … look forward to it … bam! Your good season is now upon you.

Keep at Christ’s work, and his reward of eternal life in him will soon be yours.

Copyright © 2022

Excerpt of the Day

Where we are is not where we'll stay. God has greater works for us to do.

From Lifted Up for the Good Work,  Posted 05 May 2015