God Is Salvation for a Lost World (Volume 4)

Salvation Cover Vol 4 FrontWe live in a world that reaches out for God.

Sometimes the hurting people around us don’t know why they are in pain, only that they are searching for something to fill the emptiness inside.

It is up to the Christian to reveal the truth of the cross in a manner that is appealing to those who see us walking at their side. If they are offended by our insensitivity, how will they find the cross of Jesus appealing?

This collection of 22 essays, each based on scripture from the Word of God, can provide that opening. Tell them of the truth in “Caught in the Updraft,” or the depiction of the devil in “No More Than a Flash of Light,” and you will get their attention. Mention “Soul Eater” or “The Story of Astonishing Wonders,” and they will want to know more.

We don’t have to beat the message of Christ into the unbeliever. We simply need to be interesting so that they will want to return for more. The more they find out about walking with Christ, the more they will desire him in their lives.

This book will provide you with scriptural truths to discuss with your neighbors and coworkers, and you will be able to offer them biblical nuggets of Christ’s redeeming power presented in a new and fresh way.

Let’s share God. When we are interesting, those around us will find God interesting.

God Is Salvation for a Lost World (Volume 4) 

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