God Uses Evangelism to Reach the World (Volume 1)

God Uses Evangelism to Reach the World Volume 1Missionaries evangelize.

So do televangelists, although they also seem to make plenty of money along the way.

How do we show God to a lost world? Not everyone can travel to a distant country, and there aren’t enough cable stations for us all to be on television, no matter how much monit.

Our evangelism comes from our daily walk with Christ, and that’s what this book is about.

In the 1st century, the examples for evangelism given in the Bible were perfectly clear to its readers. They make no sense to us now, not in the way they were intended 2,000 years ago. God Uses Evangelism to Reach the World will teach us how to let Christ shine to the modern day world. From bragging about the jelly we eat to finding the invisible Jesus, we will discover a new way to offer ministry to those who need Jesus most.

Be prepared to be changed, and be prepared to change other people.

That’s what Jesus does, and he does it through us.

Only $11.95 to order your own copy of God Uses Evangelism to Reach the World (Volume 1)!

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Please visit my website at www.FarleyDunn.com.

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