If we stepped outside the mall and found our car gone, how would that impact us? What would we lose besides our car? Trust? Security? Belief in ...
Read more: The Name Game (part 2 of 2)
The fresh smell of newly turned earth is a sign that spring has come. The fields are plowed, and newly planted grain awaits the rains. Life is ready to spring from the barren soils of ...
Read more: Our VERDANT God
Sometimes we feel the challenges God presents to us are too big to overcome.
The problems we face seem to form a giant wall we can’t get past. It looms over us, and no matter how we batter at it, ...
Read more: Fighting God’s Fight
Who asks for directions in modern families? Women tend to find it easy. Men, not so much, for it is part of a man’s nature to strive to be strong and independent, determined not to need anyone ...
Spring is a time when new life bursts from the ground. Trees that have been mere sticks blaze forth with green, and barren brown earth transforms into a carpet that shimmers with flowers.
How like ...
Do we have on our big boy pants?
1 Corinthians 13:11 spells it out clearly. “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put ...
Read more: Repentance: Maturity in Christ (part 10 of 10)
Think of that guy that lives around the corner, the one with the old sports car he continually works on, even though it would be cheaper to buy a new one. He polishes the fenders, changes the oil, ...
Read more: Repentance: He Never Gives Up (part 8 of 10)
How do we see our role in the Body of Christ? Are we pew potatoes, or do we have our shirtsleeves rolled up, ready to work? If our sleeves are rolled, how can we find God’s ...
Read more: Walking in the Body
In America we sometimes treat sports as if they are king. We rearrange Sunday evening services for the Super Bowl. We paint our faces in bright colors to parade our enthusiasm for our teams. We jump ...
Read more: Repentance: The Heavens Rejoice (part 9 of 10)
Picture the most frustrating moment you can imagine. Maybe it’s teaching a child to ride a bike or once again finding the gas tank empty after letting hubby drive the car.
We want to pull our hair ...