There is a restaurant chain known as T.G.I. Friday’s. We have hump days on Wednesdays. We live for weekends and holidays.
Yet, without our jobs, we could not survive.
Think back on television ...
How long is forever?
We hear it all time, and then the divorce happens. The flower dies. That special thing we loved so much is gone forever...and ever...and for a ...
Read more: Forgiving the Unforgivable (part 8 of 8)
When we come to God, he expects a 180 degree shift in our actions. If we were going one way, he expects us to head the other. If we treated people one way, he expects us to treat them ...
Read more: Forgiving the Unforgivable (part 7 of 8)
In April of 2013, a devastating storm hit the East Coast of the United States, bringing huge trees crashing to the ground. Mighty oaks that had stood for generations lay stilled, their limbs ...
Read more: Our FRESH God
Imagine a newborn baby. She is constantly attended to, and the least of her demands are instantly met. She quickly learns that she can trust those in charge of ...
Read more: A Neither God