The heat of summer draws us to the ocean just as the pressures of life draw us unto God. In the same way that we are refreshed at the BEACH, so are we refreshed when we spend time with ...
Read more: Our BEACH God
What is faith? Is it the lack of doubt?
After her death, Mother Teresa’s diaries were published. In them she expressed her doubt that God existed. Yet, no one can deny the good she did in his ...
Read more: What Is Faith?
What can desperation bring us to do? Our recent ancestors cured coughs with the slimy essence of snails. Icepicks were inserted through eye sockets into people’s brains, hoping to calm the confused ...
Read more: When We’re Desperate for a Cure
We’ve all played that childhood game, Hide and Seek. We count out our numbers, and when we open our eyes and look around, there is no one to be ...
Read more: Where Is God to Be Found?
The snooze button on an alarm clock is much more than five extra minutes of sleep. That little brown or beige or white button is in reality a second chance; it’s our opportunity to postpone the ...
Read more: The Devil’s Snooze Button
A hobo found an old oil lamp by the side of the railroad tracks. Picking it up, he pictured it lighting his way on a deep summer’s night past the stones and roots that lined the trails near the ...
Read more: The Terrible and Awesome Day of the Lord
A plastic FRISBEE is an amazing toy. It is no more than a simple disk, but in the right hands, it can perform incredible feats of ...
Read more: Our FRISBEE God
It is the question of nature versus nurture. Do our genetics make us who we are, or is it the world around us that creates the person we must be?
Do we even have a choice in the matter? Can we take ...
We’ve all had to wait for something. The clerk scans the groceries tediously slowly; our line at the drive-thru sits motionless while the ones on either side zip along; the delivery that ...
God’s Word tells us we are to be a people set apart. What does that mean? Are we to look different? Act differently? Live in a gated enclave? Perhaps it is something else, ...
Read more: A People Set Apart
The single most powerful word in the English language is please. The two most powerful words are thank you. The three most powerful words are I love you.
God commands all three of these from us. He ...