When our children are disobedient, we cannot bless them with the bounty we would like. They haven’t proven they can accept the responsibility that goes with the blessings.
However, obedient ...
The phrase God is Dead, by noted German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, first appeared in a German magazine in ...
Read more: The Third Hour of the Day
A generation is defined as the average length of time between the births of parents and their children. In modern terms, that comes to about thirty ...
Read more: Our Generation
We all know the adage that when something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Bernie Madoff bilked unwitting investors out of more than $50 billion dollars. How? He offered a gleaming reward ...
It’s the darkest hours that come in the heat of the battle that tempt us to throw in the towel. However, when the heat is on, it’s ICE CREAM that we ...
Read more: Our ICE CREAM God
How do we determine something’s value? Is it found in the cost of manufacturing the item? Or do we look at the amount of profit we hope for? How about sentiment? Can that add real value to an ...
Read more: The Price of Purple
In 2003 a massive blackout swept across the Northeast, stretching from Ohio to New York, and reaching from Canada in the north to New Jersey and Connecticut at its ...
Read more: When the Lights Go Out
In a court of law, a jury must determine someone’s innocence or guilt beyond a reasonable doubt before they can be ...
Read more: We Can Know That We Know
By the time of the American Revolution, many of the great wartime artillery pieces we are now familiar with were commonplace. Short cannons, called mortars, and the long guns we picture as cannons ...
Read more: Priming God’s War Machine
A volcano contains a furnace that can melt even the hardest of rock. In the heat of that volcanic furnace, layers of vastly different materials can become twisted together in such a way that two ...
Read more: Blood and Water
Technology constantly requires us to get smarter. A single remote control operates our TV, the DVR, the lights, and the ceiling fan. We maintain friendships on Facebook, and we have computer screens ...
Read more: Gaining Wisdom from God