The Legend of the Sand Dollar is famous for using the different parts of the sand dollar to illustrate facets of the Christian tenets of ...
Read more: The Sand Dollar Prayer
Trust in others is at the core of a successful job, a wise investment, or a good marriage.
When trust begins to erode, our foundations weaken, and things collapse around us. We no longer get the ...
Read more: Trust or Bust
Humanity builds monuments for those who have suffered. Sometimes we call them war memorials, and they fill us with pride. Then there are the gravestones of our loved ones, where we remember our loss. ...
Read more: Our Cross
No one is only one person. While at work we may be an accountant, but at home, we are a wife and a spouse. At church we are a Sunday school teacher and choir member, yet we are a master gardener in ...
Read more: Wearing Our Christ Hat
In this world we strive for security. We install alarms in our houses; we live in gated communities; even our phones require security codes to gain access to our ...
Read more: Our HOT God
Anyone who plays football knows there is no such thing as an easy victory. The game of football is a shoulder-numbing, head-cracking grind, and progress is only made in fits and ...
Read more: Our Touchdown Dance
In December 2011, a young man, Jerod, 29, on vacation with his family, jumped into the ocean and hit an underwater rock with his head. He was found by his brother still alive, but the ...
A self-proclaimed military brat grew up with an Army father, an Air Force grandfather, and a Marine uncle. Her uncle was the strangest of the lot, and she never could figure him ...
Read more: A Brat for Jesus
We live in a world that can be cruel and vindictive. The heat of the daily grind bakes our skin, and we become exhausted.
However, God wishes to offer us the sweet savor of his presence. He comes to ...
Read more: Our POPSICLE God
Things we are invested in excite us. When the local football team comes on the field, we stand and cheer. Our grandson takes his first steps, and we hoot and holler. We have an emotional connection, ...
Read more: Our Reflection Connection
If we want to become a teacher, we must submit to sixteen years of schooling. A doctor? Add another four to that, and then tack on an additional two years of residency.
To become a parent, how many ...
Read more: A Parent’s Duty
Huguette Clark died in 2011. A vastly wealthy heiress, she died in seclusion in a hospital room at the end of a very long life, yet she maintained numerous empty mansions, one of which she never set ...
Read more: Our Gifts to God