A bright summer morning under a blue sky gives us the perfect opportunity to spend time in God’s creation and reflect on him.

A PICNIC is the perfect time to do so. Our food is prepared ahead of time, there are no dishes to clean, and we can focus on his majesty. That is how God has provided for us. His salvation has been prepared ahead of time, he has cleansed our sins for us, and he wants nothing more than our praise.

Let’s look at our PICNIC God:

P – He is the PEARL worth more than silver and gold.

Matthew 13:46 compares God to a PEARL that a man sells everything to obtain.

When we are willing to give up everything for God, then we have learned his true value.

I – His IMAGE is reflected in us.

Genesis 1:26 tells us of God’s decision to make man in his own IMAGE.

Our needs and desires reflect God’s innate being. We are no mystery to him.

C – He CRIES unto us to come to him.

Micah 6:9 helps us understand how much God desires his creation to draw unto him, for he CRIES unto us. If we are wise, we will listen to the one who has all power under his command.

The voice of the Father is not far from us. Whether he chooses to speak to us from his Word or in a dream, he continually pulls us closer to him.

N – He is our NATHANAEL.

John 1:46-51 comprises Jesus’ message of conversion in a nutshell. NATHANAEL begins with, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” The passage ends with Nathanael's unmitigated belief in the Savior, and Jesus’ words to him, “From now on, you will see the heavens open, and the angels of God descending before the Son of man.”

When Jesus comes into our lives, his presence creates in us a new man.

I – He is our IMMORTAL savior, one who can never die.

1 Timothy 1:17 reveals the IMMORTAL nature of God, for he is the King eternal, invisible, the only wise God, due our honor and glory forever.

The lasting things of this world pale before the eternal nature of God. He watches the mountains crumble, becoming dust at his feet.

C – He is our unfailing CRUSE of oil.

In 1 Kings 17:14 Elijah told the widow that the CRUSE of oil would not fail until the day the Lord sent rain upon the earth.

When we face the dry days of summer, God is our everlasting source of sustenance.

When we take time to reflect on the majesty of God, we will see that there is none other so wise and good, and he deserves our praise.

Copyright © 2013 MyChurchNotes.net

Originally Published 7-13-13 in Worship

Excerpt of the Day

When we team up with Jesus, we have to be prepared to withstand the battle against sin.

From Our Spiritual Massage,  Posted 11 June 2015