It’s the darkest hours that come in the heat of the battle that tempt us to throw in the towel. However, when the heat is on, it’s ICE CREAM that we need.

Let’s look at our ICE CREAM God:

I – His ILLUMINATION gives us strength for our trials.

Hebrews 10:32 reassures us that in the heat of battle, God will shower ILLUMINATION on our feet, and we will walk in his footsteps.

There is no furnace so hot, no trial so dark, that the cooling presence of God cannot light our way.

C – His CHOICE counselors are our defenders.

2 Samuel 10:9 proclaims that when the battle rages before us and behind us, his CHOICE warriors will come to our aid.

We do not fight our battles alone. The mightiest of the angels battle for us.

E – He has ETERNAL dominion over all the earth.

Romans 1:20 gives us no room to doubt the ETERNAL nature of God, for his ETERNAL power can be seen even from the creation of the world.

The devil’s toehold on this earth is temporary, for God will reassume power when he is ready.

C – He CLOAKS himself with raiment of power and majesty.

Isaiah 59:17 reveals an inspiring aspect of the glory of God, for he wears a CLOAK of zeal, and it exudes righteous indignation.

When we are wronged by others, our vengeance comes from the Lord, and he will carry it out with thunderous retribution.

R – He is a REFUGE to those in need.

Deuteronomy 33:27 offers us respite in our darkest times. In this verse, God’s everlasting arms are our REFUGE, and he will destroy all our enemies.

When the devil comes against us, we can run to God. Next to the Father is the safest place we can be.

E – He EXACTS but a small price for his saving grace.

Job 11:6 lets us in on a secret. God not only gives us wisdom to walk with him, he EXACTS no more than a fraction of what we owe for our redemption.

Jesus paid all our debts on the cross, for he knew we could never repay them on our own.

A – He ANSWERS us when we are desperate for him.

Isaiah 58:9 says to call on the Lord, and he ANSWERS, saying, “Here am I.”

When we place our needs before God, he does not hide from us. Rather, he reaches down from heaven and comforts us.

M – He is the MORNING STAR that rises in the final hours of the night.

Revelation 22:16 gives no room to doubt Jesus’ deity. He is the root and offspring of David, and the bright and MORNING STAR.

If we look to Jesus, he will guide us in our darkest hours, if only we keep our eyes on him.

Jesus comes to us in the heat of the battle, and he provides just what we long for.

Copyright © 2013 MyChurchNotes.net

Originally published 7-6-13 in Hope

Excerpt of the Day

Comparing ourselves to God keeps us from veering far off course.

From Our Indulgent Notions,  Posted 14 June 2015