We live in a world that can be cruel and vindictive. The heat of the daily grind bakes our skin, and we become exhausted. However, God wishes to offer us the sweet savor of his presence. He comes to ...

There’s no doubt that parenting is hard. Elisha Beach at The Huffington Post says there are days his kids “push every button, break every rule and ignore every word” he says to them. Rheana ...

Water is a requirement for survival. Our very existence is dependent on it. We collect it in lakes, store it in towers, and pump it through piping to our homes and offices. We can send water ...

Good company. Friendship. Camaraderie. Being around people we enjoy, those we have something in common with. We tend to gravitate to those who share similar interests with us. It gives us a way to ...

It’s a mountain climbing thing. Also, anyone who travels to the poles. Spend the winter in Antarctica, and we can expect it there. When we get too close to the cold, and we aren’t well enough ...

A bright summer morning under a blue sky gives us the perfect opportunity to spend time in God’s creation and reflect on him. A PICNIC is the perfect time to do so. Our food is prepared ahead of ...

It’s the darkest hours that come in the heat of the battle that tempt us to throw in the towel. However, when the heat is on, it’s ICE CREAM that we need. Let’s look at our ICE CREAM God: I ...

By the time of the American Revolution, many of the great wartime artillery pieces we are now familiar with were commonplace. Short cannons, called mortars, and the long guns we picture as cannons ...

The single most powerful word in the English language is please. The two most powerful words are thank you. The three most powerful words are I love you. God commands all three of these from us. He ...

A hacking cough is no laughing matter. That sinus drip? We want it gone. Then there’s an ache in our back and scratchy eyes; and soon we know the flu is here to stay. Maybe it’s worse, ...

A Chinese proverb says you must befriend an enemy in order to win the battle. That’s man’s way of thinking. To win in the spiritual realm, we must befriend God, for he is at the head of our ...

What’s deflated your balloon? What’s got your coattails dragging in the mud, and you can’t seem to hitch them up? What has you feeling like your life’s alarm is broken, and you’ll ...

Doctors play guesswork with our bodies. Don’t believe that? Ask any doctor. It is why medicine is called a practice. Some prescriptions are easier to guess, but it remains hit or miss when it ...